The title is a pun on "sakura (æ¡œ)" or "cherry blossom." å’²ã is saku or "blossom" and æš— is kura or "darkness." A man has been hospitalized after getting in a car accident that broke his right arm and right leg. Outside his hospital room, he hears children say that perhaps he might be a new friend to play with. Thinking it's people from the next room over, he knocks on the wall. One of the children asks if he's okay, upon hearing the knock, to which he says yes even though his limbs hurt. He does feel a little better though, having someone to talk to. He asks if they've been here a while, to which they reply they've been here for a long time. They ask if they can be his friends to which he says yes. The next morning, the man asks a nurse about the kids the next room over, though she looks at him confused. Suddenly, the man finds a cherry blossom petal in his bed. The nurse confirms that there is a cherry tree in the courtyard. That night, the man talks to the children in the room over, and asks about the cherry tree in the court yard. Suddenly, there's a third voice, a woman. She says that she knows he talks to the kids and asks if he could come over. The man says he would, but because of his broken leg, it's too difficult. So the woman suggests that he should come any way. The kids sound a bit unsure as it could be painful, but the woman insists that they do. In fact, she sounds a bit frantic... Curious about what she's talking about, the man is about to leave only to be stopped by the nurse. The next morning, he hears a loud sawing sound coming from outside. Just then, the nurse appears to offer him a crutch, and he takes it and rushes to the next room only to find nothing. No hospital beds, no kids, no women. Just a room with a single window. When he goes out to the courtyard, he finds that the cherry tree had been cut down. Then he learns that that specific tree was where people came to hang themselves. A thought of horror hits him: if he had gone into that room, he might have become another hanging victim. As the man turns to leave, he doesn't notice a ghostly aura taking the form of the tree with hanging bodies appearing. All the ghosts scream about how much it hurts and shout that he will not get away.