A young school teacher named Asako moves from Tokyo to teach in the country. One day, at lunchtime, they all excitedly clamor around a dish they call "Ominie-san", a strange purple mass that gives off black fumes. The students wolf it down hungrily with a strange crunching sound, but Asako collects it in a plastic bag and slips it into her purse. Later that afternoon, she sneaks the bag into the basement to dispose of it in the furnace, when it starts squirming! She tosses it into the furnace in a hurry. En route home, she stops at a small restaurant for dinner. There, she overhears two men at a nearby table order "Ominie-san", mentioning something about keeping up their strength, and stops dead in her tracks. Nauseated by the sight of them eating it with the same crunching sound as the students, she hurriedly pays and leaves. The next day, she calls into work sick. Her aunt wakes her up for dinner, which she eats with enthusiasm. Her aunt admonishes her to keep up her strength and says that, because she couldn't eat "it" at school, she mixed "it" with vegetables to make it more palatable. "It", of course, turns out to be "Ominie-san". Initially shocked by the deceit, Asako begins salivating at the sight of the pot, and charges at the stove. The episode ends with the same strange crunching sounds heard throughout.