A salaryman walking home from work runs into two children, both of whom are sad that a dead cat is lying in the middle of the street. Not wanting to see it run over, he scoops the cat up and buries it next to a tree. Two girls walk by, muttering that something could follow you home if you take pity on it. The boys and the man say a prayer for the cat and they go on their ways. That night, while the man watches TV he hears what sounds like a cat meowing. This makes him recall what the girls said, but he shrugs it off and decides to go to bed early. He is just about to go to bed when he hears the meow again, only now it was coming from the room he was just in. The meows get closer and closer until it's right next to his bed. The cat licks him, but he feels something off... When his eyes become accustomed to the dark, he realizes the meows sound too human. In fact, it wasn't the cat meowing at all, but a pale-skinned, dark-haired woman with green eyes holding the corpse of the dead cat. "I'm so glad I got to see you," she says. "So, why did you find the cat, but not me?"