A pair of college girls have climbed to the top of the mountain. Out of boredom, one of them, Eriko shouts loud to hear her own echoes. Her friend chides her for being so immature, to which she replies she hadn't climbed a mountain since grade school. Her friend tells her no one gets excited about echoes anymore, to which Eriko replies that they're the only ones here so they should have some fun. Fog begins to roll in and her friend says they should probably leave but Eriko doesn't want to go yet, echoing her words. Her friend tells her to stop and it's time to go. Suddenly, both girls hear a man's voice call out and echo. Eriko replies back, but her friend tells her to stop; she doesn't know what kind of person he might be. When the voice echoes "Where are you?", the two girls decide not to reply. As the fog starts to get thicker, the voice then says, "I'm coming to you!" Frightened, Eriko's friend decides it's time to go now, only to realize Eriko's lost in the fog. The voice tells her it's almost there... Suddenly, another voice echoes, "Run away!" Eriko's friend suddenly sees the shapes of people in the fog and more voices telling her to either run or don't listen. Suddenly, she hears Eriko's voice. She looks around frantically, and stops when the shapes disappear. She realizes she's close to the edge and wonders if something bad happened to Eriko. Suddenly, a hand grabs her shoulder and she screams. But her fear turns to relief when she realizes it's only Eriko. With the fog now clearing, the two girls decide to head back down. As the two girls walk down the mountain trail, Eriko's friend explains how scary the whole situation was: the fog, the echoes, the shapes. And how that one voice said it was coming to us. She wonders where it was coming from. Suddenly, fog rolls in again and she suddenly realizes Eriko's not with her anymore and an echoing voice right next to her says, "I'm here."