The girls discover the last fragment to be located within a black hole. With everyone needing to combine the fragments in order to drag the last one towards them, Subaru stops Minato from going into the black hole after it, assuring him that she'll be by his side and kissing him. With the spaceship appearing near them, Minato makes up with the Pleiadian, who is revealed to be Elnath, before helping the girls form six new black holes to draw out the remaining fragment. With his spaceship finally completed, Elnath travels to a new universe to carry on Minato's mission to save potential lives. Meanwhile, Minato takes the girls to the beginning of time, offering them the chance to live out different potentials, but they decide to be themselves. As the girls part ways with each other, Subaru decides to stay with Minato. Returning to the start of middle school, Subaru manages to reform her friendship with Aoi, as well as make friends with the other girls.