With Alicia on their side, the Gallian Regular Army scores numerous victories over the Imperials until they are forced back to their final stronghold in Gallia: Ghirlandio. Knowing his failures will be exploited by the Emperor and the Crown Prince, Maximilian declares that he is no longer the Second Prince of the Empire, but the Emperor of his own nation that he will create. Selvaria is still troubled by her failure at Naggiar, but still believes in Maximilian out of devotion and love. Meanwhile, at the Gallian camp, Welkin and Squad 7 are trying to contact Alicia, but are stopped by Regular Army officers. Squad 7 attempts to force the issue, but instead cause a brawl. Cordelia pardons Faldio, and then meets with Alicia who requests that Cordelia ensure the safety of Squad 7 and Faldio until the end of the war. To fulfill her promise to Alicia, Cordelia requests that Squad 7 be assigned as her personal guard. Alicia and the Gallian Regular Army travel to Ghirlandio, where they advance against Selvaria and the Imperials.