Following Hekatonkheir's sudden appearance, Midgard enters a state of maximum alert. Mitsuki co-ordinates the members of the Counter-Dragon Squad in assuming positions and leaves Tear in Lisa's care. However, the two of them are attacked by Kili Surtr Muspelheim, who intends to retrieve Tear amidst the chaos. Although Lisa tries to fight her off, Kili proves to be too powerful, forcing Lisa to run away with Tear. Kili catches up to them, knocking out Lisa and capturing Tear. Yuu, however, succeeds in intercepting Kili. Although he is at first outmatched by her, Yuu turns the tables by generating a repulsive field similar to 'White' Leviathan's one in order to push Kili away. However, before the two can resume their fight, Hekatonkheir starts moving and smashes the principal's office.