Gaap teleports Jessica and George into each other, killing them both as their magically-empowered attacks collide. Temporarily resurrected by Ronove, Jessica calls Battler at the guesthouse to warn him of their enemies' magic. Meanwhile, the hostages are able to break out of Kuwadorian, but are killed off until only Kyrie remains. Before she is also killed, Kyrie calls Battler and tells him to believe in witches. Afterward, Maria leaves to take her test when Battler receives another phone call, this time from Beatrice herself, and goes to confront her, discovering Gohda and Kumasawa hanged in the storehouse along the way. Beatrice tests Battler with remembering a sin he committed six years ago; however, Battler is clueless as to what that may be, and Beatrice takes her frustration out on Kinzo by killing him. Losing interest in the game, Beatrice decides to abandon it by deeming Battler unqualified to be her opponent, revealing that his birth mother is not Rudolf's first wife Asumu as he had believed, and claiming that he is not Kinzo's grandson Battler, the only one eligible to fight her. Questioning his own identity, Battler fades away, and Beatrice retires to the Golden Land with Maria.