Shin'ichirÅ looks for Noe during school, but after she suggests they eat lunch together or go home together, he becomes defensive and lies, telling her that he has dance practice after school and that she should eat with her friends instead of him. After school another day, Noe drops in on Shin'ichirÅ in the middle of dance practice, and he later becomes inspired by her. Noe's older brother Jun pays Shin'ichirÅ another visit and during their exchange Shin'ichirÅ suggests that Jun go out with Hiromi if he is asking him to go out with Noe; Shin'ichirÅ becomes nervous that Jun may actually go through with it. Shin'ichirÅ goes to tell Hiromi about Jun saying she was cute, but she gets annoyed at Shin'ichirÅ for coming into her room to tell her something like that. Meanwhile, Aiko has started to knit a sweater for Miyokichi, but she is showing Shin'ichirÅ more affection than him.