Hand in hand, the seven wade into the Spring to make their respective gender choices, supported emotionally by Yun. When the seven ex-Sibyllae return to the Arcus Prima to say their goodbyes, the allied occupation forces are alarmed to learn that two Simulacran sibyllae remain who have not gone to the Spring. Aer and Neviril are promptly arrested and thrown in the ship's brig, to be taken to the Spring under close guard. Their former choirmates unsuccessfully try to break them out. Anubituf and Guragief have better luck. They conspire with the Plumbish priestesses who have relieved Chor Tempest of their duties, and manage to gather everyone by the MÄju pool to say their farewells to Neviril and Aer as they go to the Spring. All at once, the Plumbish priestesses overpower the allied guards, and two more fly a Simoun up through the MÄju pool to turn over to Aer and Neviril for their journey to "another world." The pair say their farewells and fly off into the sunset.