The Grand Temple's chief priestess pulls Neviril aside to urge her to take either Aer or Paraietta and perform the Emerald Ri MÄjon to undo the war, and is promptly arrested by Argentum troops. Simulacrum and its opponents come to a peace treaty. The condition: Chor Tempest must be permanently disbanded. Meanwhile, Yun investigates the mystery of the Spring and Onasia. While the final peace agreement is being imposed, Yun takes a Simile and flies off to the Spring to talk to Onasia. Onasia confesses to having been a member of Chor Dextra, and to having committed some "sin" because she tried to avoid making her gender choice. Specifically, she has never chosen a sex, in an attempt to remain an "eternal maiden", just like the Simoun. She removes one of her gloves to reveal glowing bluish skin beneath, which sheds a trail of gold sparkles similar to a Simoun's Ri MÄjon trail. Being the keeper of the Spring, Onasia explains, is her punishment, and she has not been able to touch or hold anyone since.