Back aboard the Arcus Prima, three government representatives (including Halconf) meet with the remaining members of the choir to discuss their next objective: to secure Simulacrum's holiest site, the Ruins, before the allied forces can steal Simoun-grade helical motors from it. They arrive to find three unidentified Simouns, of a different design to the Simoun that the Simulacran choirs use, exiting from the Ruins' main entrance. In the ensuing air battle, Chor Tempest manage to shoot down one of the stolen aircraft, but the other two escape unharmed. During the battle, Aer and Neviril discover that Aer's music box, though closed and deactivated, plays its song around the entrance to the Ruins. Instead of joining the dogfight, they land to investigate... and discover the Spring inside, and Onasia. After the fight, the remaining members of the choir land, and discover another of the ancient Simoun inside the Ruins. Inside it, they find Anglas' dead body sitting in the auriga seat.