Lulu is fired of Easter for her acts from the last episode. At school, Nikaidou gives an essay assignment to the Star Class about their dreams for the future. Amu meets up with the Guardians after school to speak with what they want to be when they grow up. After the meeting, Amu, Manami, and Wakana meet with Nikaidou. It turns out Wakana wants to be a teacher when she grows up. She admires Nikaidou for his kindness. That night, Amu gets a text message from Tadase, who is still searching for Ikuto. At Lulu's place, she is still wondering what her dream is after her mother asks what it is. While Wakana is walking home from school, she begins to doubt her dream, and this makes her a target for Lulu. Rima gets Amu and when they find Wakana, they try to stop her. She transforms to Teacher Dream, Rima and Amu become Clown Drop and Amulet Spade once they find her. Wakana performs a spell that makes them fall in line, but Amu protests, breaking free and attacks. Amu tells her to never lose her kindness. Nikaidou catches up with the girls and they look ahead to their future.