In the ensuing battle between the heroes and the demons, Basara uses his Banishing Shift on Kurumi to nullify her attacks, while Maria and Mio duel Takashi. Yuki puts Basara to sleep and assists Maria in fighting Takashi. As Kurumi watches over Basara sleeping, Mio calls out to him to wake him up. Basara saves Mio from certain death by blocking Takashi's attack. As Takashi struggles to defend against Basara, his spear - Byakko - sensing danger to his wielder, manifests into a guardian beast. Basara and Yuki eventually overpower Byakko. Takashi asks Basara to kill him, but Basara declines and states they are friends. Mio lectures Takashi for ridiculing Basara. With the weakened barrier, Shiba enters the battlefield and announces their leave due to the consequences of Byakko losing control in their fight, bringing Yuki along with him.