Tanukichi Okuma heads to school by monorail where he looks forward to reuniting with his crush, Anna Nishikinomiya. After trying to defuse a tense situation, he finds himself about to be arrested by the Decency Squad when the infamous perverted terrorist Blue Snow appears, allowing Tanukichi escapes in the confusion. Later at school, Tanukichi's troubles continue as a classmate demands he answer how babies are made. The student council then brings him in to ask that he hunt down Blue Snow. Later that day, he heads to a quiet cafe with vice-president Ayame Kajou, who reveals she is actually Blue Snow. After being threatened into joining her crusade, Tanukichi helps her execute a plan at school during a student assembly, first spreading more perverted leaflets around the packed gym and then tricking the teachers into running outside while Ayame plays a video of two flies mating while she adds her own sound effects. Meanwhile, Tanukichi disguises himself as Blue Snow and starts drawing a giant asterisk sign on the track with a line painting machine. The entire school, including Tanukichi, finds themselves having trouble dealing with the weird new feelings brought on by this act.