Putting their trivial fight behind them, Ronja and Birk live together peacefully in the forest through the summer. While they milk Lia their two young stallions come over to investigate. Ronja stubbornly decides to try riding the wild horses again, only to be thrown off. After that she tries to ride them every day while Birk is milking Lia, attempting to tame them better without success. Birk has the same results at first but finally gets his horse to allow him to ride. Ronja becomes exasperated at her horse who taunts her and Birk who shows off while riding. After a wild ride on Rascal Ronja succeeds in taming the stubborn horse. Eventually Lia's milk dries up and they bid farewell to the mare, thanking her for allowing them to have her milk. While horseback riding Ronja and Birk are attacked by a harpy but manage to get away. When they get back to their cave they find an unexpected visitor waiting for them.