Birk secretly adds what food Ronja gives him to his family's storeroom, giving the Borkas Robbers more food to last. Birk asks how many times Ronja plans on saving his life and Ronja swears as many as he saves hers. Both agree they dependent on one another and can't be without the other. As winter draws closer to its end Lovis has the reluctant Robbers go into the snow for a delousing treatment and mid-thaw snow bath. Mattis scolds Noddle-Pete for talking about dying soon when Mattis has known him his whole life and can't do without him. Later the Robbers are forced to wear spare women's clothing Mattis' grandfather stole in his day, resulting in much laughter at the sight of the miserable Robbers who also got haircuts and shaved. Spring finally comes and as the Robbers can go out to rob once more Ronja is allowed into the forest again. Ronja finds Birk in the forest and shows him her spring cry to welcome spring and let out all the pent up energy from winter.