Sakurako discovers the painting Takeshi had kept in his study was painted with a pigment containing arsenic which, when combined with the mold that had grown from being kept in storage, had been releasing a deadly gas. She further deduces that the death of the other men in Takeshi's family was due to stress causing an abnormality in their coronary arteries. Just as the others seem to breathe a sigh of relief, Sakurako senses something is amiss about why Takeshi chose now to contact Utsumi. Finding Takeshi outside with his leg cut by an axe, Sakurako deduces that he had tried to commit suicide in a way that would look like an accident in order to escape his debt, though Miyuki yells at him that money is less important than family. With the ambulance delayed by an illegally parked vehicle, Utsumi carries Takeshi the rest of the way, allowing him to make it safely. Afterwards, as Sakurako takes Hector in with her, she becomes curious about the mysterious person who appraised Takeshi's painting.