Sakamoto of Class 1-2: Envious of Sakamoto's popularity, three delinquents, Atsushi, Mario and Kenken tried multiple attempts to bully Sakamoto but failed miserably. In their recent attempt, they accidentally put on a fire on the school laboratory until Sakamoto's quick-thinking skills called Kakuta, a nearby teacher to put out the flame. With Sakamoto taking the blame for them, the three delinquents started a liking towards him.
Bee Quiet: Sera tries to gain more popularity by defaming Sakamoto, which failed. During class session, a hornet invaded the classroom. Sera used this as an opportunity by attacking the hornet but as he nearly endangered, Sakamoto engaged in a sword fight using a compass against the bee's stinger and managed to neutralize the situation without harming it. Having endured the humiliation earlier, Sera decided to become a comedian instead.