Adlet confirmed that Maura might have been the Seventh Brave if his deductions were correct, but Chamot rebuked his conclusion. She and Hans were able to find copies of the tablet and tools that might have been used for the real activation of the barrier. On the second tablet were instructions to reactivate the fog barrier, which was by removing the knife and shattered tablet, drip blood all over the stand, recite the spell, and break the tablet. This made everyone think that the person who broke the tablet was the Seventh Brave. Flamie confirmed that it was Nachetanya, and everyone was surprised. By deduction, Adlet also thought that the person who sent him to the temple was the one who planned everything from the very beginning, and it was her. As he confirmed it, she then surrendered and claimed that she really is the Seventh Brave, and Goldov was shocked. Nachetanya told them that she wanted to kill them all because she believed that humans and fiends could live together in peace, but around 500,000 humans might die in the process. Adlet then ordered everyone to kill her, but she escaped. He fainted due to the loss of blood. As he regained consciousness, Maura apologized to him for not being able to know who the Seventh Brave was. She also took care of his wounds. After resting, they all went outside to go to the Demon King, but to their surprise, they met Rolonia, Adlet's childhood friend and the Saint of Blood, apologizing for being late because of the fog and claiming that she is one of the Braves. During the confusion, troops from Gwenbyer went to the temple to tell everyone that more than a thousand fiends would gather there to go back to the Land of the Howling Demons. They stopped thinking first as to who might be the Seventh Brave, and strategized to kill the Demon King.