The occult research society is forced to suspend activities following Inoue's disappearance, and in an effort to save the club, Kotarou proposes that they try to find her. While in the forest, Kotarou gets separated from the girls, but when he goes to find them, he gets chased by three large dog-like creatures which eventually attack him, pinning him down. While trying to fend them off, three claw-like blades emerge from his wrist, killing one of the creatures while the other two flee. Kotarou heads towards Lucia's voice and finds her and Sizuru fighting a pack of dinosaur-like creatures, which are controlled by Gaia according to Sizuru. Upon their insistence, Kotarou goes to find the others, but once they meet up, a gigantic flying creature appears and pierces Kotarou's arm with a tendril. Kotarou tells the girls to leave, and after they are gone, the girl with the red ribbons appears and kills the creature. Kotori returns, telling the girl to go away, and takes Kotarou back to the others. It turns out that Akane and Chihaya are members of Gaia, but Sakuya quickly appears and takes them away with him. The next day, Kotarou cannot get in touch with any of the girls.