Kotarou tracks down Sougen Esaka, one of the men he met at the ramen stand who owns an antique shop. Esaka gives Kotarou some blurry photos of an unidentifiable animal, but Akane is not impressed by them. Kotarou buys Sizuru a CD, but since she does not own a CD player, he gives her his old MP3 player. The next day, the girl with the red ribbons shows up during school, but only Kotarou can see her. Sizuru takes Kotarou to see where her parents live, but they do not recognize her. Several years earlier, a fire destroyed Sizuru's home, but her parents survived. Sizuru displayed a remarkable healing ability, and her parents accepted a monetary offer to hand her over to a certain institution. However, when Sizuru returned a few days later, she found her parents fighting, and accidentally erased several years worth of her parents' memories. The next day at school, Chihaya and Lucia get in a fight over Chihaya criticizing Lucia for being too much of a clean freak.