Echidna concludes the rabbit Mawbeasts to be the Great Rabbit; one of Three Great Mawbeasts created by the Witch of Gluttony, Daphne. She also reveals that the other Witches of Sin inhabit her space as well and offers Subaru an audience with Daphne. However, he is instead confronted by the Witch of Pride, Typhon, who shatters his body to see if he is a "sinner". Fortunately, he is healed by the Witch of Wrath, Minerva, before finally meeting Daphne. While they mostly argue about the morality of her creating the Mawbeasts, she does reveal to him that the Rabbit is attracted to strong magic. Having learned everything he could, Subaru then takes his leave. However, upon waking, he is horrified to learn that, as punishment for talking about Return By Death, Satella possessed Emilia and killed all his friends. She then proceeds to start devouring Subaru with her miasma, but he is saved by Garfiel. Meanwhile, Roswaal is being devoured by the miasma and comments Subaru will have to try harder "next time".