The battle with the White Whale begins with the night banisher fired to temporarily change the appearance of the nighttime sky to daytime. Subaru and Rem draw the whale towards them with the Crusch and Anastasia armies attacking the whale, and Wilhelm slashing the whale at close range hoping to ground the whale. However, the whale is still floating in the sky after those attacks and it unleashes a fog from glands on its skin. Subaru and Rem evade a fog blast, which Subaru realizes erases a person's existence, calling it a 'Fog of Elimination'. The armies begin to lose soldiers and Subaru yells out his 'Return by Death' to draw the whale towards him and away from the injured soldiers. Wilhelm and Ricardo's unit follow Subaru and relentlessly attack the whale, but they suffer setbacks as Wilhelm gets swallowed by it and Ricardo is badly injured. As the fog clears, three whales are seen floating in the sky.