Satella confronts Subaru and tells him he should love himself more. However, hearing this by the person responsible for his suffering causes him to snap, ranting about how his life doesn't matter before attempting suicide to get out of the situation. However, Minerva revives him and Carmilla reminds him of how people grieved for him in the second trial, causing him to second guess himself. Having regained his fear of death, Subaru thanks the witches before parting ways. Waking up, Subaru is comforted by Patrasche and Otto and finds he can't take the trials anymore. He then confronts Roswaal and, after confirming they know each others' secrets, he voices his disappointment in Subaru for still not taking full advantage of his loops, revealing that he hired Elsa with the end-goal of molding him in his image; Subaru can either save the mansion or Sanctuary, not both. Realizing that Roswaal is a madman, Subaru flees and is confronted by Otto, who tells him to stop shouldering his problems alone.