The monstrous Puck kills Petelgeuse and his cult, then freezes Subaru to death as punishment for letting Emilia die, depriving Puck's reason for living. A despair-ridden Subaru resets again at the vendor's stall. Rem notices a sudden change in his behavior and Subaru drags her aside and asks her to run away with him, but she refuses as she would only do that with the Subaru she knows, and not his current self. He berates himself for the life he has wasted and his ineffectiveness in helping those he cares about, but Rem professes her love for him even though she understands that Subaru's heart belongs to Emilia. Through Rem's belief in him, Subaru overcomes his sorrow and despair. With his resolve renewed, he sets out to become a hero, wanting to start again from zero.