Seemingly irritated by being called the name of the "Jealous Witch", "Satella" leaves. Subaru attempts to prevent the insignia from being stolen, but fails and is killed again by the hoodlums in the alley while chasing Felt. After respawning, this time Subaru changes his approach by not meeting "Satella" and instead trying to buy the insignia from Felt before Elsa could negotiate. In the alley, he is saved from the hoodlums by Reinhard, and Subaru asks him to tell "Satella" not to come to the loot house. As Subaru heads over to the loot house, he runs into Elsa, who notes his unusual behavior. Later, Subaru sees Felt and tells her what Rom said the phone was worth in the previous timeline. Rom appraises the phone and confirms its value, but Felt refuses to sell him the insignia without first hearing Elsa's offer due to Subaru's suspicious behavior. Someone knocks at the door and Subaru is worried that it is Elsa, but he is surprised to see "Satella", whom he thought was told not to come to the house.