Subaru enters the mansion to find it littered with bodies, including Ram and the children he once saved, and eventually discovers an icy room where he freezes to death. He resets with a new timeline back at the vendor's stall again where he hugs Rem and goes catatonic. Crusch and Felix can heal him physically but unfortunately cannot help with his mental state. Rem and Subaru head home, but their cart is ambushed by the Witch Cult and while Rem fights them, one escapes with the unconscious Subaru. Subaru finds himself chained up and meets their leader, the maniacal Petelgeuse Romanée-Conti. Rem finds the meeting place and attempts to destroy Petelgeuse and his men, but to no avail. Rem is then tortured by Petelgeuse and then left in a mess, with both arms and legs mangled and broken. Petelgeuse leaves Subaru to die; however, Rem, with what little life she has, uses magic to cut the chains and then tells Subaru to "live" before passing away. Subaru carries Rem's body to the mansion, seeing piles of bodies along the way. He finally arrives at the mansion, only to find a dead Ram before a monstrous Puck who appears outside the mansion and tells Subaru to "sleep along with my daughter" and decapitates him. Subaru then respawns by the vendor's stall again and curses Petelgeuse.