Shortly after "Satella" arrives, Elsa appears and begins attacking. "Satella" and Puck gain the upper hand with their ice-magic combination teamwork, but Puck is forced to return into his mana crystal vessel, as he loses his ability to manifest in the physical world at night. Felt is ordered to flee the house, Rom is severely wounded, and "Satella" is getting exhausted while fighting Elsa. Reinhard then arrives and Elsa introduces herself as a bowel hunter. "Satella" heals Rom's wounds while Reinhard keeps Elsa distracted, then Reinhard uses a van Astrea sword technique to defeat Elsa. However, Elsa survives and attacks "Satella", but Subaru intercepts her with Rom’s club, thus taking the hit intended for "Satella". At Subaru's request, she reveals her real name is Emilia, but he then collapses, realizing that he had been slashed by Elsa, who escapes. Felt returns the insignia to Emilia in gratitude. Reinhard initially intended to let Felt go, but after seeing the insignia glittering in her hand, he changes his mind and takes Felt with him, claiming that he can't overlook her crime of stealing the insignia despite being off-duty. He also warns Emilia that the quiet life will soon come to an end, and that she might be summoned soon.