Just upon returning to his apartment from jogging, aspiring Mage Knight and flunking Hagun Academy student Ikki Kurogane inadvertently walks in on a half-naked girl changing in his room. While being admonished and forced to apologize by Academy Director Kurono Shinguuji, Ikki learns that the girl is Stella Vermillion, a famous A-Rank Blazer who is the princess of the Vermillion Empire and his new roommate. When Stella announces a set of house rules which Ikki objects to, Kurono has them stage a mock battle, with the loser having to obey the winner unconditionally. Ikki accepts despite the disadvantages of his low rank (i.e., being an F-rank Blazer), stating that he has to work hard in order to win the Seven Star Sword Art Festival. During the mock battle, he demonstrates powerful fighting skills and memorizes Stella's technique, which he uses against her through his technique Blade Steal. As a last resort, Stella activates her Noble Art, but Ikki counters it with his own Noble Art, outmaneuvers her attacks and strikes her, winning the battle but collapsing from exhaustion. Later, Kurono visits Stella and explains that despite Ikki's strength, he flunked the academy's evaluations due to his peculiar style. She then recommends her to follow Ikki's style so she could improve. Returning to the apartment, Stella apologizes to Ikki for her behavior. He then reminds her of the deal they made, for the loser to obey the winner from now on, and then orders her to be his roommate.