Meiko and the others rush to the scene of a crying Hana, and the boys are ordered back to the prison. As Mari and her father, the school's Chairman, have a discussion about the prisoners, Mari tells the boys that they have up to three hours of free time on the weekends (including furloughs), inspiring Kiyoshi and the others to become model prisoners. As Mari drops off the new USC guidebook at the Chairman's office, she stumbles on a porno on his computer, deciding to punish the boys by removing their free time. After Kiyoshi formulates a plan to break out by breaking a hole behind a refuse shed, Gakuto starts exhibiting strange behavior. As Hana requests that Kiyoshi pees in front of her in return for watching her pee, he is saved by Gakuto, who catches on to Kiyoshi's breakout plan and offers him assistance in return for Three Kingdoms figurines Guan Yu and Red Hare, available only once every four years. The next day, Gakuto and Kiyoshi fake a fight to have Hana kick the shed down and cover up the hole. Nevertheless, Gakuto grants permission for Kiyoshi to use the bathroom. Cornered by Hana a second time, Kiyoshi accidentally pees on her.