Shingo hangs out at a local arcade and meets Anzu, another student from Hachimitsu. Returning to the prison, Shingo notices a tiny sword in the bathroom and gives it to Meiko. Unbeknownst to both them however, Gakuto is searching inside the bathroom for it, as the sword is a part of the Guan Yu figurine. Later, Meiko discovers Gakuto's figurines in the bathroom. While Shingo has another outing at the arcade and meets Anzu again, at the prison, Meiko reveals she is in possession of Gakuto's figurines and gives Gakuto a choice to confess to aiding Kiyoshi's escape and have everyone's sentences extended again or to spare his figurines. Much to everyone's surprise he throws them on the ground and breaks them. As Gakuto personally confesses to the breakout to his friends, Shingo becomes shocked at everyone's forgiveness. As punishment for Meiko for not telling Mari the origin of the sword, which was in her bowl of peanuts, Mari gives Meiko a uniform that is a size smaller. Exhausted from the strain, Chiyo takes Meiko to the Mari's office, where she discovers the existence of DTO. As Chiyo eavesdrops from behind the door, Mari announces the final phase of DTO, by taking advantage of Andre's masochistic urges.