After Gakuto strips Mari's skirt down, he goes to the USC's office, where Meiko shaves his hair as a reprimand for his actions. However, with his hair collected inside a bag, he reveals the real intention of shaving his head was to have Kiyoshi use it as a makeshift wig for sneaking out of prison. Before the breakout, Kiyoshi heads out to the school's laundry room to acquire a uniform, after Gakuto manages to distract the laundry man. On the day of the track meet, he places speakers with the poop audio inside the bathroom and sneaks out though the drainage pipe. After narrowly escaping Meiko and Mari, Kiyoshi's sumo date is cut short when Chiyo found Gakuto's hair and the uniform (revealed to be her own) inside his bag. Once Kiyoshi realizes this, he leaves as well. Meanwhile at school, as Meiko becomes fed up with his prolonged bathroom trip, she decides to confront Kiyoshi personally. With the poop speakers not working, Gakuto can only watch nervously as Meiko kicks down the bathroom stall door.