Why would Vincent kill Alice's cat Cheshire and then kill her? As Break wakes from his fainting spell, he tells Duke Barma, Oz and the others about his time in Abyss. In the Will of the Abyss's room, Vincent shows up along with Gilbert in his arms. After Vincent collapses, Will of the Abyss starts yelling at him about how he should be dead, then starts to cry. She looks at Break and asks who he is, then screams that it is teatime. She says she can't wait for her playdate with Jack, and Vincent tells her that Jack is dead. He blames Sabrie, Jack's death, and he and Gil ending up in the Abyss on her. She has a breakdown and her whole room/dimension starts falling apart. Vince welcomes it with laughter, saying he'd be normal if everything broke. At the last minute, Break promises her anything if she'll just make it so his past was changed. She hears his cry and grants his wish. Suddenly, the scene flashes to Jack's memory, saying that Alice would switch her tastes constantly as if she were a different person. Alice says that her twin sister is the Will of the Abyss. After obtaining this information, Lord Barma wants to take Alice and Break into custody, but Oz won't let him. The group goes back to the mansion and on the way, Break tells Oz, Alice, and Gil the rest of his past; He had been a knight named Kevin Regnard. The nobles he served fifty years earlier, the Sinclair family, had been killed bandits while he was away. The only survivor was the young Sinclair daughter, who had been with him. Blaming himself, and wanting to change the past and save his master, he formed an illegal contract. After the Will of the Abyss acknowledged his request to change his past, he woke up in the Reinsworth house thirty years later, where he found out that the Sinclairs had escaped the bandits' attack, as he had wished; However, they were all killed, including the daughter, a few years later by a rival noble family. He expresses remorse for his actions, saying that he shouldn't have tried to change the past. Gil asks him if he hates the Will of the Abyss, to which he replies that he does, but that his hatred isn't justified, as he was the one who made the wish.