The school attends Rei's funeral. Fukiko accepts all of the guests with dignity. Afterwards, she asks for two minutes alone and cries over Rei, telling her that she really did love her, and kisses her. Outside, Nanako hallucinates about Rei, imagining that she turns into a bird and flies away, while Takashi breaks down crying on Takehiko's shoulder. Later that night, she smokes one of Rei's cigarettes, and goes to Rei's apartment, where she finds Fukiko. They stay there until dawn. Nanako takes Rei's doll as a memento of her. Fukiko's chauffeur drives Fukiko and Nanako home. On the way, Fukiko reveals to Nanako that she'd known all along that Rei and Fukiko were full sisters, not half-sisters. Mrs. Ichinomiya had told Fukiko the secret on her death bed. Horrified by the secret of her illegitimate birth, as well as the accompanying realization that Rei was her full sister, Fukiko truly felt guilt for what had transpired between her and her sister in the snow. She confesses that she had tried to make herself hate Rei in the aftermath, but was unable to, instead suffering in perceived solitude with the truth of their situation. She now regrets not telling Rei, thinking the two could have shared a different sort of bond if she had. Nanako remembers that Rei had known about their true parentage too, but does not tell Fukiko, promising to herself that she'd take their secret to the grave. Fukiko, wearing Rei's bracelet, goes to the place where they'd made their suicide pact and vows to leave her past behind. The next day at school, Fukiko requests the dissolution of the Sorority.