Nanako waits for Rei to pick her up for their date, but soon, everyone finds out that Rei is dead. Nanako, Tomoko, Fukiko, Kaoru, and Takashi go to the hospital to see Rei's body. The police won't let Takashi and Fukiko take the body to be buried, as she may have committed suicide and they want to investigate. Nanako goes home and cries in her room, phoning Rei's apartment, and her parents discuss Rei. Fukiko receives a bouquet of red roses from Rei and a letter, and when she reads the letter, she cries. The next day at school, the police question the students. Nanako stays at home, but later tells her mother she's going to school. She instead goes to the place Rei died and cries. She sees Kaoru and follows her. Nanako tells Kaoru that Rei had planned to see her the next day, and thus, could not have committed suicide. The police conclude that Rei did not commit suicide because a boy had seen her fall, and they tell Takashi and Fukiko about her last moments. Nanako wonders where Rei intended to take her on the date. Fukiko bathes with the roses, sobbing and telling Rei she loved her.