Mariko's parents are divorcing and she is traumatized, spending the night at Nanako's home to try coping. Things get even worse because it's almost Mariko's birthday: as she, Nanako and Tomoko are celebrating, they find Mariko's father and his girlfriend (after he had said that he wouldn't be able to meet with her), which makes her run away crying. Mariko returns home and has a fight with her mother over how she never says anything about her father's affair, and at night she seriously ponders cutting her own wrists with a boxcutter. At school, Aya cruelly taunts Mariko, reading a newspaper article about Mariko's father's affair aloud to the classroom. This pushes the still very unstable Mariko over the edge and she attacks Aya with the same boxcutter she almost used on herself. She runs away from school and is about to jump off from a bridge, but Takashi Ichinomiya grabs her before she can do so.