Bernard, a reporter for the Wodon Times, sets off to Hidamari Mansion to investigate the rumored “Queen's Eggâ€. Everyone at the Mansion is having a contest of who will cook for the night due to it being a celebration dedicated to Angelique. They tell her to request a preferred recipe which Anqelique tries to think of. Eventually Anqelique suggests they all cook something, not just one select person. Her ideas don't go according to plan as everyone wants to do a different recipe, turning it into a competition. When Angelique sneaks out of the Mansion and is alone in the field with her cat Erwin to pick flowers, Jet appears and chases her, trying to obtain data. A Thanatos appears and blocks Angelique's path of escape. Rayne, Nyx, J.D., and Hyuga show up fight back against the Thanatos and Jet while Angelique shows her power of healing light. After the battle and Jet flees, Angelique reveals that even if they could not make a main dish together, she wants them all to make a dessert together and that this is her request.