Provoked by Meliodas, unaware he formulated a divide and conquer strategy against them, the Commandments scatter across Britannia to recover their magic by any means. The rest of the group, including a dragon-ized Hawk and an de-aged Griamore, complete their training save Elizabeth who gained new attire. After Meliodas's group leaves to begin search for Escanor, Jenna has Zaneri confess to sabotaging Elizabeth's training due to her sister's unrequited feelings for Meliodas. But Zaneri explains her reasons were actually to protect Meliodas from the pain of losing Elizabeth as she figured out the girl to be reincarnated. As the other Commandants spread across Britannia, Galand is paired with Commandment Melascula of Faith and learns she has been resurrecting the dead to act on their regret and resentment. After Ban easily dispatches a corpse after he and Jericho bury Zhivago, he is reunited with Elaine with King leaving Meliodas's group after Helbram informed him of his sister's reanimation.