Meliodas's group arrive to the Forest of White Dreams, a foggy, dense forest where even the Holy Knights avoid. They encounter Prankster Imps that attempt to confuse travellers by creating copies of their companions, forcing the imps to flee towards a sleeping giantess they wake up. Meliodas reveals the giant to be Diane, the Seven Deadly Sins member who possesses the Serpent's Sin of Envy, who briefly pummeled her captain in a jealous rage upon seeing Elizabeth. The surprise reunion is cut short when Gilthunder arrives, Elizabeth recognizing him as her childhood friend before learning of his actions in Bernia Village. Gilthunder explains that he seeks to avenge his father, the Holy Knights' grand master Zaratras whom the Deadly Sins were said to have murdered, Meliodas explaining what happened from what he could remember. But Gilthunder refuses to listen as he and Meliodas manages to inflict a mortal injury on him, only to be tricked into revealing there whereabouts of the Deadly Sin members bearing the sins of greed and sloth with the latter said to be dead.