Displaying his full power while attacking everyone save Elizabeth, Ban noting his leader's power to be familiar, Meliodas clashes with Helbram who assumes him to be superior to the New Generations before defeating him and taking his sword. Meanwhile, after being knocked into a ravine by a Holy Knight while throwing an old man toward Howzer to protect, Diane emerges in her true size after Hawk's Mother retrieved her clothes. Diane reclaims Gideon and asks Howzer to flee with the old man and Holy Knight, Ban grabbing the others as Diane rescues Meliodas while destroying Vaizel with Helbram and his subordinates escape with Ban's sword hilt. After Griamore departs to give Veronica a burial, Diane comforts Elizabeth while Ban confines to King that he intends to use the Horn of Cernunnos kept in Liones to revive Elaine. With his sword now stolen and seeing how dangerous the Holy Knight have become, Meliodas decides to stop holding back and end the ongoing war for good.