In Raven, as a corpse rises from his grave, Ban tell Zhivago about find the Fountain of Youth and his goal of reviving Elaine. Ban also admits his regret over his attempt to kill Meliodas in exchange for Elaine’s resurrection, his self-hatred worsen by Meliodas forgiving him. Zhivago urges Ban to reconcile with Meliodas and tell him his real feelings before he dies peacefully. Back in Istal, the former being accused of being in league with the Commandments while belittling his opponent over his lack of wings, Meliodas and King end their fight when Jenna orders them out. Meliodas promises to eventually explain everything with King deciding to observing him for now, sensing a sudden sensation of on his back. After Jenna restores Meliodas's full power, he has Merlin teleport him to Edinburgh so he can talk to the Commandments. Zaneri reveals to Jenna that Meliodas learned to control his rage as he easily defeats Galand, brought back to Istal after warning the other Commandments that the Seven Deadly Sins will destroy them if they intend to continue what they started 3000 years ago.