Haruhiko talks about research being done into making human memory as accurate as a computer. Mai recalls her childhood as a shy cry-baby. They must deal with a Phantom on a bridge that challenges people to combat. The team are being watched by a young girl with a teddy bear. The Phantom is two sisters who insist on fighting Mai who quickly loses. Mai decides to train Haruhiko and Reina to fight alongside her but fails. Haruhiko suggests they copy Mai's memories into his brain so he can fight without having to train. Haruhiko and Mai go on a "date" to synchronize shared memories, of which Reina appears jealous. Mai recalls how she had two childhood friends, the only ones who would play with her. The two Phantoms reappear and fight Mai and Haruhiko who end up synchronizing memories. Now fully trained Haruhiko realizes the Phantoms are Mai's childhood friends, and Mai had reshaped her own memories. Rather than being shy she was actually very competitive and often beat the Phantoms in wrestling, who have now trained for 10 years to finally beat Mai. Haruhiko finds that while he now knows how to fight he lacks the athletic ability to actually be able to. Instead he uses Mai's memories to perform a synchronized magical attack with Mai, defeating the Phantoms who leave on good terms with Mai, promising to return for a rematch after more training. While Haruhiko thinks Mai's memories will eventually disappear for the time being he enjoys being able to remember Mai's bra size.