Mitsumune falls off a short cliff, and briefly flashes back to the past where his twin brother Tokimune died trying to show off to him. In the hospital, Mitsumune's mother refused to believe Tokimune was dead, and the family kept using Mitsumune as a stand-in for him. When Mitsumune regains consciousness, Masaki leads him to a train tunnel that she claims will lead him back to his past life, but he must face his own monster first. However, the monster punches him back. Mitsumune then wanders back to the village, where the rest of the group is convinced that Masaki is a ghost. Later, the group captures Masaki and ties her up to a post, thinking her death will stop the monsters. Mitsumune tries to stop Hayato and the others from cutting her when Masaki decides to tell everyone the truth.