The true purpose of the Cocoon is revealed to communicate with the Primordial Majin. Once the Cocoon is completed and communication with the Primordial Majin can be achieved, then Chie can come back to Earth. A new Cocoon is given to Luke that will allow the group to maintain Rare Metal status easier, but it could also have unexpected side effects because it isn't the final form. The Nepos once again decide to attack Earth, and Earth's warriors equip their bones. While they are battling though the Primordial Majin himself appears. Everyone on the Earth is able to see part of the Primordial Majin. When he descends all bones except Dragon Bone suffer Bone Crushes. Shortly afterwards the Majins of Fire, Water, and Earth appear and converse with the Primordial Majin. It is revealed that the Majin's can adjust their sizes as necessary. Despite not hearing what the three say, the three manage to convince the Primordial Majin not to destroy Earth at this time.