Director Higashio arrives in Los Angeles and reveals that everything in Melbourne was lost except for one personal matter. He gives it to Luke, revealing it's a picture of the original Melbourne training team. Elsewhere on the base Leonard is going crazy trying to unlock the mystery of the Majin Bone. Shougo's mother comes on and asks Leonard if he has unlocked anything. She reveals that when they complete the final form of the cocoon, she will be able to go home. Luke travels outside and is investigating the surrounding area. When Director Higashio calls him and he hangs up on him, Director Higashio realizes that Victor and Gregory have returned and must be trying a sneak attack. Luke seeks them out, and the three enter the cocoon to battle. Victor and Gregory reveal to Shark that the Cocoon wasn't created to help bones move freely. Instead it has another purpose. With their distraction planted, the two are nearly able to fossilize Shark. However their plan backfires when the Majin of Water does an original manifest. By combining with the Majin Bone Shark becomes Rare Metal Shark and is able to fossilize Wolf and force him out of the cocoon. Tiger recovers his brothers bone and makes a quick evac. On Nepos Revolt realizes with three Majin's siding with Earth that the Primordial Majin might have changed his will. He decides the only way to keep himself from being destroyed is by mastering the powers of the Phoenix Bone. Back on Earth Leonard goes all mad scientist on Shark Bone, and Ian reveals that they will now not only need to protect Dragon but also protect the Cocoon. He reveals that only the highest ranked people in the lab know this, but the Cocoon's real purpose is to create a new communication device with the Primordial Majin.