The three strangers that have arrived end up being Klude, Drossas, and Vyse as Dark Wyvern, Dark Alligator, and Dark Eagle. They attack Shark and Dragon allowing Antonio to be targeted three-on-one by the others. When Shougo attacks Lord Klude (Dark Wyvern), Dragon warns him to flee saying he can't beat him as he is now. Klude fossilizes Dragon's legs with one hit and then fossilizes Jaguar and Shark completely with a single hit. Klude then reveals he is an iron bone and that no white bone has any chance of beating him. When Victor and Gregory come out to taunt Gilbert by declaring this is the end of the world, Gilbert declares it will only truly be the end if they give up. Gilbert's attitude leads him to revitalize Leo with fierce resonance. Leo Bone communicates with Gilbert and reveals he saw the Earth formed and has seen every moment of Gilbert's life. He reveals Gilbert doesn't know much of the Earth, but Gilbert declares he will learn of it later. Leo then evolves into Iron Leo. Leo then takes the Shark and Jaguar cards back, and Drossas remembers the words of Liebert in saying don't underestimate the Earthlings.