Capitalizing on a lull in the action one afternoon, Shingo decides to demonstrate his newly endorsed helicopter piloting prowess during a flight around town much to Megumi's consternation; in contrast, Creamy Mami is in absolute seventh heaven as she enjoys the aerial perspective of the city and takes in stride Shingo losing his concentration in shock of Mami not understanding his soliloquy extolling the virtues of flight. After the circus of Megumi trying to egress the helicopter while in flight and Shingo frantically trying to regain control, Hayato relaying the call of real life sets the stage for a dream storm to swamp the helicopter into an alternative reality plane that allows Toshio to hear the helicopter but not to see it; if that is not enough, even Posi and Nega have no idea how to resolve the situation when Yuu's magic is of no utility within the alternate reality of the dream storm...