Although she should be happy about its effect on the family micro-economy, the diurnal heat and a mob of impatient customers drives Natsume batty as she tries to entreat Tetsuo to take the family on a seashore vacation citing the effect it is having on Yuu who daydreams about swimming in the ocean before Nega snaps her back to reality as he and Posi prosecute an analytical concourse over the logistics and consequences of Yuu taking a vacation from her double life as Creamy Mami -- an incidence of which is that day when she has it explained that she is to conduct a joint concert alongside Megumi as Creamy Mami at Isohama complete with a brand-new high-tech mobile production van; later that evening, Yuu throws a temper tantrum in an attempt to defeat her earlier »gung-ho« exhibition about working while pointing out that Natsume was trying the same thing earlier only to have the annoyed Tetsuo affirm some very decisive family government...