Parthenon Productions receiving a heartfelt letter from a boy named Kenji facing a surgery that could prove just as deadly as the disease it is meant to treat tugs on Hayato's heartstrings while Shingo sees it as a professional opportunity as he charges Hayato a schedule change for Creamy Mami. The convoy of news vans provides Kenji the perfect excuse to go investigate the hullabaloo with his derisive neighbors; while Yuu tries to give her swim coach the slip after Midori intercedes for her, the actual situation is demonstrated to be somewhat more complex than meets the eye when it turns out that it is Kenji's yakuza grandfather Tamegoro Zenigami that needs the pep talk. Shingo and Hayato have quite the imbroglio on their hands: it is a public relations disaster if it is argued they have ties to the yakuza and also if they spurn a young boy's entreaty for assistance because of what he was born into...